Had a great time

At Hershey Park.  Went on a ride that goes up high and goes over the park–not the whole park but high enough that I was freaking out a little bit….

What made me nervous on this ride, aside from the height – this sign

Do you want to the one to say – you can’t ride this ride –  you’re to damn fat    or worse – be the one that can’t ride it because you are to big

but I did it and yelled at a guy on his cell phone while we were on the ride  -seriously-  who the hell are you talking to that is so important that you have to be on the phone while on a damn ride in an amusement park

J and Robin went on a roller coaster-   I tried but I am not up to updside down just yet.

Wed did the log floom –  and got wet –  that was fun.

We walked  – a lot. but overall – a great time.

What’s awesome is we didn’t plan on going to the park.  We went to chocolate world and just kept walking.

They sold this

and this

After the park – trying to find a place for dinner was a joke.  One place – we were expected to know that they don’t reservations but we should have made them because Brad Paisley was in town and they had 2 large groups come in before the concert.

We fell asleep at around 10pm –  it was nice.

When we woke on Sunday – it was Robin’s birthday.

She's 29 now

She's 29 now

We had breakfast and went to the hershey museum.   And then we went to the Hershey Hotel for our massages and pedicures.

Them's my pretty toes

Them's my pretty toes

We were very early, so we had lunch and relaxed.  Then HOT STONE MASSAGES and CHOCOLATE PEDICURES.  They actually put chocolate crap on our feet.  But now  they look pretty

And Robin also had a chocolate bath with cocca and  something else  – just soaked in chocolate.

we ended up going to movie that night because it was easy and we didn’t want to go to the park and really – what else is there to do in Hershey PA but go to the park.

We had a good time though and that is what is important.